Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Public Relations Strategy (2)

Method of public relations and publicity, which is the main publication, important activities, sponsor events, news, events, community service activities, the media the identity of the company, employee relations, product placement on television programs or movies and information services and Internet phone.
Publication of the reliance on published materials to reach and influence the target market. Publications include the annual report, reports, articles, magazine companies and audiovisual materials.

News that supports companies, products and people is a public relations tasks. News can be delivered through newspapers, magazines, television, supplier, customer or key employees of the company. Betadine is a Top Brand drugs for wounds. News selected as the antiseptic Betadine used in NASA space flight made this brand trusted by the community. Similarly, the coverage plug supply treating agent Tunggal almost Holders Brand is a telling the world that have made the contribution for treating a Top Brand in Indonesia.
Feature article is written to 3,000 words prepared for the benefit or specific targets. For example, companies build new production facilities that are known by the public, trading rooms, local government and other perusahaa around the location of the feature articles published by local or regional media. Feature articles usually focus on the implications or the economic impact of company actions.
White Papers similar to the feature article, but more technical and focused on the topic that is very special diminasi the company's shareholders. White Papers promote the company's stance on important product or market issues and can be used to promote products and solutions that made the company. White Papers extensively in the field of information technology, the company is continuously working to develop standards to protect the innovation and technology.
Activities conducted for the company can attract consumers to products through seminars, anniversary, exhibitions, contests, and competition to reach the target community. Betadine Fatigon activities with the theme of "Spirit On The Spot" which was held in Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang and Surabaya.



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