Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Presidents Bush throwing shoes

A TV journalist Baghdad Iraq, Muntazhar Furthermore (29) threw a pair of Sounds in the direction of the U.S. President, George Bush in the event a press conference. This is an insult to Bush. Former Israeli PM also had thrown shoes and sandals.

"in the Arab culture is a symbol of insult," said Member of Commission I FPKS House, Al-Muzzammil Joseph in short message through to Google, Mon (15/12/2008).

Muzzammil add, this has been done during the Iraq memukuli statue of Saddam Hussein by shoes and sandals. Similar events have also overrides the former Prime Minister of Israel, Ariel Sharon, which also thrown shoes and sandals by Muslims will be when the time came to Masjidil Aqsa.

"Egypt, Laos, Out Damned Spot Taher, also dilempari shoes by the people of Egypt setiba from kunjungnnya to Tel Aviv," added the head of the Department of Polhankam DPP MCC this.

Muzzammil believes, Bush has become the main actors hatred and having people of the world, not only Irak.

Former vice-Chairman of the House of Representatives Commission III of this opinion, it is impossible not to adjudicate claims Bush as war criminals will be more appreciated. Although the law will prove to be complicated. "The problem is more political power in the world dealing with the super power the U.S.," said the Muzzammil.


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